If you’ve ever heard of the term ‘Curb Appeal’, you’ve probably wondered how to get it in your own front yard. One of the primary features of a front yard with curb appeal is the foliage it has, so trees obviously play a big part in this. It’s important to pick the right tree for the right reasons and plant it in the right place though, so this article will look at how to use trees to make your yard stand out.
When planning your yard, there are a few things that you’ll need to consider and questions you’ll need to ask yourself. These include:
- Why are you planting trees? Do you want them for shade or wind blocking? Are they going to act as a shield for privacy or to draw the eye for an enhanced view? To add colour? Maybe even for fruit?
- How large will your chosen trees get? Or how large do you want them to get?
- What shape will your trees be? Will these shapes complement your home and yard?
- Which types of trees are suited to your local climate? Will the trees you plant look great all year round, or will they die off in the winter?
- Are they strong enough to last through bad weather in your location? (Think of our wild Brisbane storms, for example)
- Will the trees you plant add value to your home in the future?
- How much maintenance will your trees need and do you have time for it? Think of dropped leaves, fruit e.t.c.
- Are the species you’re choosing prone to disease or pests?
- Will the trees grow roots or drop branches that will interfere with your home or yard structures?
- Will the neighbour’s view be obstructed or will your tree cast unwanted shade on their property?
These are all very important points to consider before you style your yard, and heeding them could mean the difference between having an amazing yard and one that requires an extra visit from us, to cut your problem tree down (on top of our pruning duties, of course)! To help you determine which trees are the best for the Brisbane and other South East Queensland areas, we have compiled a list of some of the most suited:
Tuckeroo ( Cupaniopsis anacardioides) – This handsome native – which is also known as a Carrotwood, Beach Tamarind or Green-leaved Tamarind – is a great small-sized tree that has rounded foliage atop a long, thin trunk (like a lollipop). The Tuckeroo is a great little hedge tree alongside a fence. This tree has dark, glossy foliage that doesn’t cause a lot of litter, bird attracting berries and a non-invasive root system.
Eumundi Quandong (Elaeocarpus Eumundii) – Another native that makes a great hedge. This glossy-leaved tree – which is also known as a Smooth-leaved Quandong – grows to an impressive 6 to 7 metres tall and 1 to 2 metres wide. It has a pink hue within its dense foliage and is simply gorgeous as a screen. Drops very little leaf litter.
Weeping Lilly Pilly (Waterhousea Floribunda) – This huge tree has a span of around 6 metres with an 8 metre height and is not a true Lilly Pilly. It’s aesthetically pleasing lollipop shape is definitely only for large front yards that can spare the room. Excellent shade but it’s large span means a bit of leaf litter, so should be kept away from the house
Poinciana (Delonix Regia) – This is a very recognisable tree around Brissy, with its stunning colour palette of flowering reds and oranges over summer. This tree has a large canopy that’s almost umbrella shaped and can grow around 15 metres tall, so is great for a shade tree; however, it does drop quite a lot of leaf litter and pods, so it’s best kept away from any guttering, cars e.t.c.
Flowering Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus Summer Red and Summer Beauty) – Choose from vibrant red or pretty pink with these natives. Unlike the more common Eucalypts, these species have a denser foliage and won’t drop branches quite as often. Growing to around 6 metres high, this species also comes in dwarf form and is a spectacular feature of any garden.
Regardless of your choices, be sure to keep your trees pruned regularly and safely maintained, which we can certainly do for you. We’re available for all types of tree lopping and tree removal in Brisbane, 7 days a week, and available outside business hours.